"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9
"HIS higher ways and HIS thoughts" |
I usaually turn to this scripture for comfort when I am sad or when my flesh is weary because I have not gotten "my way". This morning as I am reading this scripture I'm reminded that I cannot comprehend the love the LORD has for me. Not only are HIS ideas that make my heart sometimes ache "higher than my ways" so is the joy that HE wants me to recieve. My children are proof of this. Today at 1:00, Coleman will no longer be a middle schooler but a "high schooler". Yes, I will be teary eyed when I pick him up. He was the most beautiful baby... He had the biggest blue eyes and yes, he was a "momma's boy". The LORD has given me Coleman to reflect the gentle spirit that the LORD has for me. Coleman is guided by a loving tone and he is not afraid to love others who are different from him. I cannot wait to see how the LORD will use Coleman for HIS glory. Coleman, I'm so thankful God shared you with me. Laurel will be a junior! Oh my goodness! I remember dropping her off at kindergarten with her little pink wire rim glasses and her beautiful blonde hair. God has given me Laurel to reflect HIS steadfastness in my life. She is loyal and she is constant. She is dependable and kind. Laurel doesn't waiver in her faith. The LORD is using her in a mighty way in my life. I love you Lala! Joanie, Joanie, Joanie... at 1:00 today, she will be a first grader! The child that had no language has run Mrs. B's kindergarten class this year. (Not really but she thinks she has.) God gave me Joan to remind me of HIS forgiveness of my sin. Even though she is still learning this concept (so am I by the way) I see glimpses of sin in my life of holding onto hate. Anything that is not love is hate. There is no grey area. As I walk beside Joanie through her trials, the Lord is continuing to show me my sin and through Joan, HE is teaching me to rely on HIM to meet all of my needs. She reminds me that my children are not my children...they are HIS and so am I. Derrick is my brown baby that NEVER stops talking. He says to me, "Momma, let me love your cheeks" then he pushes his little soft brown face to mine and holds me close. The LORD has given me Derrick to remind me that when I can't pray for myself, the Holy Spirit knows what I need and HE is interceding on my behalf. God gave me Derrick because Derrick is my unexpected mercy. When we said we would adopt Joan we didn't know that Joan had a little brother. God knew we needed Derrick and thankfully, we knew he was ours. Derrick brings laughter into our lives. He is the best dancer in the family! Today at 3:00, the Lord is bringing two more children into our lives. They are coming here so that their bodies can heal but I have no doubt, the LORD is bringing them to continue to heal my sinful heart. Please pray for Phionna and Shamira today. The LORD has prepared them for this journey. I can't begin to imagine what they are thinking today. PLEASE lift them up as they come to the US for physical healing. Uganda is a looooonnnng way from here. I could make a long list of things that will be different for them. Our lives are about to change again and I'm thankful. God keeps moving me and stretching me. I think that's where the wrinkles are coming from:) I count everyone of them as a blessing.
Praising God From Whom All Blessings Flow,
Amiee :)
I am praying, friend! I love your family & your story that feels so entwined with my own. I'd never heard you didn't know about Derrick...it was the same for us...God took Joann & said, "This one" to my husband...her little brother was the very special extra blessing. Love you & watching with anticipation this journey for Shamira & Phionna