This is the closest thing to a family picture that we have. Coleman, Laurel, Todd and Amiee are in the bottom left. Derrick, Joel and Joan are on the larger part of the computer screen. |
Psalm 33: 20-21 "We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name."
Today is Mother's Day. That means for me that I will probably get to choose where we eat. I can honestly say that I feel like every day is "Mother's Day". Laurel and Coleman still tell me they love me. They still care what I think. They don't talk back. They are respectful towards me and to each other. Todd always makes sure we have everything we need and more. I told them I wanted to help with "tornado relief" for my "Mother's Day". We went to Hayden, AL yesterday with the "SOZO" team. I think we should have called it "chainsaw" relief. We cut down huge trees! The bad part was there were about 4 or 5 burn piles and today I still taste smoke. Coleman got to spend the day with Marquis. He's the young man we took to lunch over the Christmas holidays with Jon Brennan and Cary Baxter when Jon told us about Joan. Cary's mom, Lynn was with us yesterday. I enjoyed talking to her so much because she went to SOZO over spring break. I loved hearing her tell us her experiences with Joan and Derrick and their dad. She is so excited they are coming to live with us. Lisa Bond was there and she has a great love for the people of Africa. Joel always refers to Lisa as "momma Lisa". Joel actually called me when we were on our way to Hayden to work to let me know he was sick with a fever. I haven't been to Africa but it seems to me they treat everything that is "fever" as malaria and "the sickness" as hiv. Joel sounded to me like he had bronchitis. I asked him if he had medicine and he said, 'yes, yes, yes", like I was annoying him for asking him. I love that he wanted me to know he was sick and I love that my question annoyed him. I am old enough to be his mother. I can speak to him in "truth and love" and even though my advice annoys him sometimes, he reflects on what I have shared with him because he always reminds me a few days latter what I have said to him. We are all children of Christ! We are all family and I love that God is showing me how to grow my "spiritual" family, the body of Christ.

The beginning of last week seemed like a lot was going to happen with the progress of the adoption but again, it's hurry up so we can wait. God doesn't intend for this to be convenient for us. He has us on a "need to know" basis and so far, we don't need to know "when". I feel like it's going to be soon but just like giving birth, you aren't in control of when. I'm thankful for that because I know His timing will be perfect. I know if we have to wait, it's because that is God's plan for Joan, Derrick and our family. Today, I am content waiting. I am content knowing that He is going to meet our needs. I know that whatever is happening in Africa, we are going to use it to glorify the Lord. Todd and I got to see them for the first time in a few weeks last Thursday. I am sure they haven't forgotten us. Joan started jumping up and down with her hands over her head. I hope she's that excited when she meets us. Joel said Derrick asks often, "when is my mom coming to get me?" I can't tell you how that makes my heart ache for them. I'm praying God continues to protect them and prepares them for all of the changes that they are going to experience. I know we think it's going to be so much better and in the long run it will. But, we are expecting them to grieve. We are expecting them to need time and space to adjust. I'm so thankful they will always have each other. They have shared experiences that don't include us. There are incidents in their lives that we will not be able to comprehend, like being hungry, sharing the same clothes every day and many other undesirable conditions. I have seen them wear the same three or four outfits for the past 5 months. They don't care that they wear each other's clothes. Suzanne keeps telling me they could care less about clothes. They want relationships with us. Nothing more. Nothing less. God is preparing us while we are waiting. The Lord is my shield and He is Joan and Derrick's shield. In my heart I rejoice in Him. I trust His holy name. Happy Mother's Day to everyone. Being a mother is an amazing journey and I am blessed.

In His Grip,