Philippians 2:1-2 "If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose."
I have heard the saying from those that have already been to Africa, "TIA"...time in Africa. I am learning all about the "time" in Africa. Every night I go to sleep with my computer beside me praying until I fall asleep for our angels in Africa. I dream about them. I wonder about them. We began "skyping" them over Spring Break when Suzanne and Jon were there visiting. It was great. I could just watch them play all day. What a blessing to be able to see them! Sometimes it's hard because Joan doesn't hear and Derrick doesn't understand our Southern Accent. Joel is usually somewhere close by signing to Joan what we are saying and telling Derrick what to say. We LOVE seeing them! I don't really know if they comprehend what is going on. It's hard for me to comprehend but deep in my heart, just like God prepared Todd to say "I will", I know God is preparing His children for what is going to happen to them. When I look into their eyes, I see peace, unconditional love, and hope beyond anything I have ever seen. I see that they trust us already. Joel is a busy man. He has been the hands and feet of Christ for us the past months. He is going all over the city going to appointment after appointment so that we can bring these children to our house. Kabalagala is 8 hours ahead of us. It's really hard with everyone's schedule to find a time that the kids aren't at school or someone's not sleeping. The best time seems to be early in the morning our time. I'm an early riser. The rest of my family isn't. About 5:00 a.m. Joel has been calling on the computer so we can all get to see each other. This is our drill: The skype music plays, I jump up because I'm always afraid I am going to miss the call or the internet will fail, I press accept before I even turn the lights on, Todd gets Laurel and Coleman, they have a minute to fix their hair but by that time, I can already hear Derrick saying, "Hello Moma. How are you?" and I can hear Joan laughing and celebrating. One morning this week I know I probably looked scary. Before the video came on my computer, Joel said, "Amiee, we will skype you back in 10 minutes. You need to freshen up." Only Saka Joel can say that to me at that time of day and get away with it. God Bless Him!
We have had a great week. The children have applied for passports and I have received the contract from the lawyer which means she has determined that the children are adoptable and she is ready to proceed. I have some specific prayer requests for the adoption if you feel led to pray for this process with us. 1. Pray that our home study is approved by DHR ASAP. 2. Pray that we receive an appointment with USCIS expoditiously after they receive our "approved home study" 3. Pray that our appointments with UAB International Health Center goes smoothly. Our appointment is this Friday and I hate shots. I think I will probably have the most. 4. Pray that I rest in knowing that this will happen in God's timing. 5. Pray that Joan and Derrick have an extra hedge of protection around them during this time of waiting.
When we have skyped a couple of times this week some other children have come in to see what is going on. When they get to close or get to much attention, Joan has abruptly instructed them to get out of the room. I had to tell her that is not nice. One day she looked very sad. She had seen Laurel and Coleman at the 5:00 a.m. skyping but they were at school when we skyped again at 10:30 a.m. I asked Joel why she was sad and he said, "She is sad because she wants to see Laurel and Coleman." I am thankful that there is some kind of a bond with all of us, even if none of us actually comprehend what this is really going to be like.
We have really been seeing Derrick's personality come out. He used to be in the shadow of Joan's big personality. He seems to be patient, loving and happy. It doesn't take much to make him happy. This week he was very talkative. I love to hear him talk in "Lewgandan" accent. I'm sure he will loose it after being here for a while but I think it's beautiful. I heard him cry this week. I don't know why because the video froze but it was a sad cry that broke my heart. He has also danced for me this week. He laughs at us when we dance for him. They imitate what we do. One morning, they saw Todd give me a hug and the next thing we knew, they were hugging each other. I really do believe they know we are going to be a family.
We are going to have an amazing trip to Africa. Joel is planning for Pops and Todd to build new desks for Rays of Hope School. Joel asked me if Pops could build them the "African" way. I said, "probably not but you will like whatever he does." We are going to buy tools for them when we get there so hopefully some of the older boys can learn from dad and Todd. There is a little girl at Rays of Hope that Suzanne has identified as needing some medical care. If we get there before Suzanne does, mom and I are going to take her to the doctor. Please add her, Fiona, to your prayer list. She was born with male and female genitallia. She is an "outcast" like Joan. We are going to pray that God will show us how to help her.
My heart is aching to hold these children. I don't know how I can only come back with two. Now I know why Katie moved to Africa. God is faithful and today I am resting in His grip! Have a blessed weekend!
In Him,
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