I have needed an attitude adjustment since Spring Break. I have been focused on me instead of "HIM". The sin of control has crept up on me. I began thinking "I" have been making progress with this adoption process when the truth is, I am powerless. I was humble and I have once again become prideful. It is when I am weak that He is strong. When I think I'm strong, my knees are not at the foot of the cross. When I don't prayerfully consider my activities in my day, I will stumble. Not, I might stumble. I will stumble. God is doing amazing things in my life right now. I am just the vessel, not the messenger. I'm so excited about what may be happening soon that I am missing opportunities to witness for Jesus Christ today. I am praying that my focus is back where it needs to be and that I will stay out of God's way so that he can do His will. My children in Africa have birth certificates. They are healthy. They are eating. They are loved. They are not really my children. They are God's children and He is watching over them. He is providing for them. It doesn't matter what I do right or what I do wrong, He is their Father and He is my Father. Oh, I so can't wait to love these children with my arms. I can't wait to be a family of 6. But we already are a family. We are the family of Christ. God has provided Joel and countless others that love our family. Lord, help me to be the vessel, not the messenger and help me to stay at the foot of Your cross.
In Him,
I love you so....and I see your heart....and it's beautiful:)