What a beautiful weekend we have had, even though we were inside a gym that smelled of "wrestling" all weekend. We went to the Metro Championship. This is the tournament that we have worked for all season. My prayer is always for no one to get hurt and as far as I could tell, other than a few bloody noses, no one went to the hospital. Thank you Lord! Our coaches have been great. They have challenged the boys and pushed them to their potential. Without sounding like sour grapes, we won the tournament but we didn't get the trophy. However, when you are on top, and our team has been for the past 7 years, everyone else wants your spot. In one of our matches, one of our boys was disqualified based on a judges/referees decision. The move our guy did was not an illegal move but we were disqualified. We lost all of the points from this players wins for the entire tournament. We were all very disappointed, shocked and surprised to say the least. I have to give our coaches so much credit. They coached like the champions that they have taught our boys to become. The coach told them "It doesn't matter what the trophy says, ya'll won first place. Well done." For those of you that know me, I'm not a fan of wrestling. But I have to say, the examples these coaches have been to Coleman and the person they have challenged him to become I am a fan of. Wrestling has taught them to be their best even when someone's not looking. (Thanksgiving break workouts that we stressed over because we lost our workout sheet) Wrestling has taught us that conditioning is critical and it's not negotiable. Wrestling has taught us to do your best and finish strong. Last night, our boys learned that who you are in the world, isn't who you are in Christ. A trophy doesn't make you a champion! Training our faith should no less of a commitment than we train to wrestle. The "things" of the world, the kind of house we live in, where we work, or what team you pull for doesn't make you a champion. It's who you are in Christ that makes you a champion! I was so proud of every player on the team because they handled a very confusing decision that was not in their control like champions! What a great season we had! Now, do I want Coleman to wrestle next year? Absolutely NOT! I think it's the most stressful sport I've ever watched. But, if Coleman gets the chance to be "coached" by these coaches again, I will prayerfully consider this decision because the example those men demonstrated last night made my season GREAT! Go Eagles! There is really no new information from Joan and Derek this week. I think about them all of the time and I wonder what they are doing. I've had a little anxiety about "when" we can bring them home. We are still in the process of the home study. That should take at least 6 more weeks. I started learning sign language this week. I had a great time with Michelle, my teacher. I went to Books a Million and got a book and some flashcards. Laurel, Todd and I sat at Jim and Nicks one night and studied our flash cards during dinner. Will I ever be able to learn it all? I don't know. I am still praying that when Joan gets here, God will heal her deafness completely. I believe that He can. It warms my heart that Todd wants to look at their pictures every night. I'm sure after Spring Break, we will have more new photos of them. I feel like we have memorized their faces. We think we already know them. We pray for their protection all of the time. I go through a range of emotions from complete peace to complete anxiety. I know the peace comes from God and the anxiety comes form Satan so I am learning to choose peace more often. God is so gracious to me. He is holding me accountable and I am thankful. There have been some challenges that have been presented to me that I could have chosen fear but I chose to trust instead. I have to give Him the praise for these victories. I know that Satan is trying to get a foothold into this situation and he will try anything to ruin our joy. I feel your prayers. I feel the love of Christ. I know that God's timing is perfect. I know that He is in control of our family. I choose to rest in His grip today. I choose to trust Him with Joan and Derek because they are His children, just like Laurel and Coleman are His children. He shares them with me. I don't have to touch these children to love them and pray for them. I don't have to see them to adore them. God's love is powerful and complete. God's love and timing are perfect. I am a believer! I am going to finish strong, just like I've been coached!
Phillipians 3:13 " I am still not all that I should be....but I'm focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.""
"Then he said to them, "whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For he who is the least among you all - is the greatest." Luke 9:48
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
And then there where two!
Skyping is amazing technology. |
See us in the bottom left corner. Derek, Joel and Joan |
The news of our new addition to the Reeves family spread quickly. I can't tell you how many good wishes and encouragement we have received from so many people. The kids and Todd were so excited. I was excited too but I guess I know how many "things" have to fall in line for all of this to take place. I know our God is big enough to get this done. I know he is calling me to follow him. I know he is teaching me to sit back and relax. He has been asking me for years to "cast my anxiety upon Him". I'm a slow learner. Thankfully, our God is gracious and He has given me many chances. Watching all of this unfold is more fun than watching any "drama" on t.v. Suzanne had mentioned "skyping" the kids and the grandmother. We were all very excited about getting to see them and get to know each other. I still had "grandmother" on my heart. I was getting anxious about meeting her. What do you say to someone that is going to make the most selfless sacrifice I can imagine? Thank you just doesn't seem enough. We set the skype up for Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m. That's 5:00 p.m. in Kabalagala. We decided to ask some of our friends and their children to join us for a brief time of prayer before we called Joel. I have to tell you, the presence of the Lord was with us in that room. I prayed for the grandmother. Another person prayed for adoption and what special meaning that has in the eyes of the Lord. Another prayed for God to guide us in the process and that we would have confirmation with out doubt that this decision would be pleasing to the Lord. At 8:00a.m., Suzanne called Sozo, the orphanage, on the computer. Joel didn't have the capability to skype from Rays of Hope School so he picked the kids up in a taxi and drove them about 30 minutes to Sozo, just to meet us. I was uneasy about talking to Derek. We were still thinking we wouldn't take him because we didn't feel led by God to do so. I wanted to take him but I wanted to be sure it was for the right reasons. I can't imagine having to split Laurel and Coleman up. But, God was clear to me. It was time in my life to let Todd be the spiritual leader in our family. I had to "submit" to my husband who is the love of my life. Again I said to God, "I will". Again, God was faithful. Because of traffic it took Joel a little longer to get to the orphanage. In the mean time, we got to talk to the 17 precious children that live at Sozo. They were the most polite, happy, well rounded children of all ages I have ever seen. I don't know what happen to their families but their hope is in the Lord. They are happy because they have a safe place to stay. They are happy because they aren't living on the streets with no food or shelter. Again, God revealed my pride to me. I was humbled. Talking and laughing with these children helped my nervousness. Finally, Joel arrived with the children but without their grandmother. Joel sat down and Joan had the biggest smile on her face. She seemed very comfortable around Joel and she seemed to know that something special was happening. Joel said she was excited because she thought she was going to leave to come with us on that day. Then, Suzanne asked Joel to put Derek in his lap too so we could see him. My heart melted for that little boy. He looked quiet and shy, just like Coleman. Both of them were so well mannered. They communicated with each other. Derek would "sign" to Joan and they would nod their heads at each other and they always smiled. They have no material posessions but they never stoped smiling and laughing. Joan's laugh was contagious. If you want to see the skype, you can go to my facebook page and it is listed as "skyping in Africa this morning". I haven't learned how to get video on this blog yet. Anyway, during one part of our conversation, Joan signs to Joel "is Derek coming with me." My eyes filled up with tears and God just kept saying, "be submissive to your husband. I am faithful." I can say without doubt, my eyes were truly focused on the Lord during the exchange. When Joan asked the question, which Derek could hear and understand because he speaks English, I answered, "we are still praying for Derek." I couldn't make a promise that I might not be able to keep and I didn't want to put Todd on the spot in front of everyone in the room. I would have done that back in "the day". God is growing me in this area of my life and I am thankful. When the skype was over, Suzanne asked us "What are your thoughts on Derek?" I turned and looked at Todd and I said, "What are your thoughts on Derek?" My heart was pounding. He said, "We are not spliting them up." I have learned after 20 years of marriage don't assume that he means what I think he means. I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "we are bringing both of them back." Laurel had tears streaming down her face. I tried to keep myself together and Todd was very emotional as well. Coleman smiled the biggest grin. God confirmed his faithfulness to me by Todd's unselfishness to say yes to bringing Derek home. He confirmed to me that I could be a submissive wife. He confirmed to me that His ways our higher than mine. Why haven't I been trusting in Him like this my whole life? Because the world wants me think that "I" am in control. The world wants me to think "I" deserve better. The world wants me to focus on myself and not on my Father. After seeing these orphans, I pray that I will never look at "what I deserve" the same again. Thank you Father for humbling me!
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Joan, "God is gracious"
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Praying for Joan |
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Joan's Home |
God is faithful!
"whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10: 43- 45
Saturday, January 22, 2011
"I will"

Acts 21:14 "When it was clear that we couldn't persuade him, we gave up and said, "The will of the Lord be done."
Friday, January 21, 2011
"Where do I begin?"
Thanks for coming to my "blog". It's really hard for me to write all of this down because I don't know where to begin this story. What you are interested in hearing started the week before Christmas 2010 at a lunch with some friends. But, what God is leading me to share with you started a long time ago. God has blessed me my entire life and part of the blessing has been that I know I am blessed. But somewhere over my life of 42 years, without even realizing it, I began believing that I deserved all of the blessing I was receiving. I began to think that because I was a good person and made good choices most of my life, I deserved for nothing bad to happen to me. I deserved a nice house because I worked hard. I deserved all of the "things of the world" because I was a good person and I believed in God. We'll I have known for a while that I wasn't really where God wanted me to be with him. I made many excuses and ignored God's yearning to know me better. I became prideful and pride is not a pretty picture. But, thankful our God is cleaver and relentless. He does not give up on us. Back in September, God gave me the opportunity to have a relationship with a niece of ours that I really hadn't known very well. Not only did I not know her very well, I had no desire to know her well. My pride kept me from wanting to know her. Nothing more, nothing less. She came to stay with us for a couple of months while she was trying to figure her life out. God revealed to me during the time she was with us was that He loved her as much as he loved me and she hadn't made good choices. It didn't matter to Him that I was a good person or that she had made some bad choices. He loves us both the same. She thought I was there to hold her hand and really God used her to show me the sin in my life of pride and self righteousness. She reflected God's love for me and she didn't even know it. So, I began to pray for God to humble me. When you pray for God to "humble" you, get ready. You will begin a journey that you never dreamed would happen.
In Him,
"For it is by grace you have been save, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. " Ephesians 2:8-9
In Him,
"For it is by grace you have been save, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. " Ephesians 2:8-9
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