"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2: 8-10
"One year ago" |
This morning as I am reflecting over the past year, my heart is heavy and thankful. It's been one year since the good Lord brought Joan and Derrick home. I am blessed. I have watched God move mountains in Uganda and in America. Through the adoption process, God showed me how "powerless" I am and how MIGHTY HE is. I haven't gone back and read my previous blogs but I remember I surrendered. I remember I was broken. I remember HE didn't forsake me or the children. I remember I couldn't wait to hold them, feed them and love them. They were soooooo much smaller than I thought they would be. Joan's spirit was larger than life...it still is. Derrick was timid and gentle and his eyes...how could anyone not adore him. I remember on the plane ride to Africa, a little past Amsterdam I had slight chest pains. We were just over half way there and we had been traveling a long, long time. They were still so far away. This trip was my first time out of the USA. As we got closer to Uganda, the food changed, the language changed, my comfort level changed. I quickly became a minority. As I remember that night at Entebbe Airport, I long to go back to that uncomfortableness because through that, I was so close to the LORD. I was uncomfortable but I wasn't afraid. "Pre-Uganda", uncomfortable meant fearful to me. The loving arms of Christ were waiting to welcome me in the airport that night, through Joan and Derrick but also Joel, Colby and Allen. Christ was waiting for me at SOZO. He's there! The SOZO children's English was not as easy for me to understand as I had hoped. Their Ugandan accent was strong. It didn't matter. I had heard their stories. I had seen their pictures from the year before. I had seen their "brokenness" and it broke me. The way they worship is more powerful than any church service I have ever experienced. It is beautiful, glorifying and HOLY! Thanks to the obedience of a few, (Alan, Jay and Suzanne) the love of Christ is living through these children and they are AMAZING. It's the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed in my life. I spend a lot of time "blogging" about the one's that live with me. I enjoy sharing about them. But, I can never forget where they came from and the one's that God has called to be the Light in the darkness, the SOZO children, the SOZO family. Many people think that my children are SOZO children. They are part of the SOZO family but they are Rays of Hope children. When all of the Rays of Hope children are living in a SOZO house or they are sponsored and fed regularly, Joan, Derrick and Shamira will be SOZO children. I pray for that to be soon! There is nothing I can boast about raising these children. If you could see what Aggie, Matto and the rest of the SOZO parents do, my life looks easy. What a privilege it is for me to get to be a part of these children's journey! My faith is what sustains me each day. I don't want my life to be about me being comfortable and satisfied. I want my life to reflect the Glory of God's grace. I want to raise my children to depend on HIM, not on me. It's so hard but so necessary. I don't know what challenges today will bring but I know HE will be there with me. I am praying about taking another trip to Uganda. I don't know what that will look like. HE's got me on a "need to know" basis and when it's time HE will let me know :) If you have questions about Uganda, SOZO, Rays of Hope, please feel free to email me. I'm praying that my "blogging" will begin to go a little deeper and that God will continue to stretch me. Thank you Father for YOUR grace. YOUR grace has saved me :)
Praising God From Whom All Blessings Flow,
Amiee :)
Amiee and the beautiful Reeves Family,
ReplyDeleteI just want to let you know what an impact your testimony has made on my family. We met briefly on the beach over the 4th and were drawn to your joyful spirited children as we watched them play everyday. God has been making many changes in our lives and waking me up at night To hit my knees in prayer over this country I know so little about. I feel we are on that need to know basis ourselves but trusting completely in His perfect plan. I read every blog you've written the night you gave me the link... I cried, I laughed, I prayed, I was so drawn I read all night. It was like a book I couldn't put down except I knew the ending already- the joy, the smiling faces, the running, the laughing on your childrens precious faces. Your family that God has stitched together across nations is the result of your faith and a living Gods Grace! We have shared the Reeves Family story and pray for you all and SOZO. Much Love,
Kevin and Meghan McAbee