We had a WONDERFUL vacation over the fourth of July. We went to the beach. Everyone had a different favorite moment. My favorite moment was watching Shamira see the ocean for the first time. (Joan and Derrick had already been to the beach last fall.) She was so excited! The sand was clean and white. The water was clear and the waves were just high enough to be fun but not over powering. I had started reading a "Junie B. Jones" book with Shamira a couple of weeks ago. She could read all of the words in the book. The story was about Junie going on "vacation". I asked Shamira if she knew what a vacation was. She said "no". I explained to her that on "vacation" you go with your family to another town to "get away" from all of the stress of the day to day activity. You rest, overeat, and pray that your soul will feel rejuvenated so that when you return home, you can go back to the insanity of the world. Shamira was probably thinking, "what do you have to get away from?". She just hasn't lived here long enough yet. :) There is so much in my definition of "vacation" that I need to examine. Truly, Uganda was a "vacation" for me last summer and I DIDNOT rest or overeat BUT my soul was rejuvenated in a way that it never has been before.
Shamira has been here for one month. There is nothing she will not eat. There is nothing she hasn't embraced about "the American way". I have to admit, I can't imagine my life without her. She is slowly creeping into my heart. My mind is saying this will be to much for me. My mind is saying I won't be able to keep up with 5 kids. My heart won't be able to take her back to Uganda. Then, in the chaos of having 5 children, my husband says, "she's already my daughter". There it is! The Holy Spirit has spoken to me through my husband. Remember, when I surrendered to God, the first thing HE showed me was that I needed to submit to my husband. I have had some very good conversations with some of you about the difference in "submitting" vs. "surrendering". I have surrendered. The world encourages me to pick up what I have already put down. I'm thankful that I recognize this and have sisters that remind me when I don't remember. The bottom line is who am I going to "choose this day to serve". I choose HIM. I chose HIM. I have not gone back on my decision. So, what does that look like in my life? It means I will live one day at a time. I will not think about the complications of having 5 children, all with "special needs". God will show me the way each and every minute. I will not worry about what tomorrow will bring. I will thank God every day for the blessings HE has given me.
"I'm pretty sure Joel was provoking the ostrich!" |
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"Happy Birthday 2011 Derrick!" |
July 9th, 2012, we celebrated Derrick's birthday. Last year, Laurel and I celebrated with Derrick, Joan, Kenneth and Joel at the zoo in Uganda. It was quite an experience. They had monkeys crawling all over the outside of the cages. Some of the fences were about waist high with a big ditch between us and the animals. It didn't look to be the "safest zoo" I had ever been to but being with Derrick on his birthday was an answered prayer. I was thankful to be with him. This year, we had a Spider Man cake, and by Derrick's request, "a big juicy steak". The children have watched others have birthday's for a year and so this birthday was really exciting for Derrick. Joan is already counting the days on the calendar for hers next month. Shamira's birthday is Christmas Day!
Last week, Shamira saw the orthopedic surgeon. He couldn't have been any nicer. He says it's going to be very difficult to "straighten" her arm. He has operated on many NFL players and he may not realize the prayer warriors that will be with him while he's caring for sweet Shamira. All I could think when he was telling me how challenging this operation was going to be, "I've seen God move mountains." I'm praying that God will move a mountain with Shamira's healing. We are anticipating surgery the first of August. I don't know much more than that. I'm hopeful that she can start school in August or September. She has no idea what can and will be done cosmetically to her body. All she asks for is to be able to use her arm.
As I have spent the summer home with the children, God has reminded me again and again of HIS mercy on my life. The older girls have shared some of their memories of Joan in Kabalagala. These stories break my heart for what breaks HIS. There's no doubt in my mind or in my heart that our "transracial family" is part of HIS plan. I had a sweet friend ask me to share my testimony about our adoption. After reflecting upon her request, I told her my testimony is about obedience, not adoption. God has used adoption to give me a platform to reveal my sinful heart and how if I obey HIM, HE blesses my life in ways that I wouldn't have dared to ask. I pray that I never forget whom I serve and that HE breaks my heart for what breaks HIS.
Praising HIM From Whom All Blessings Flow,
Amiee :)
Wonderful year...sweet Shamira...I can't wait to meet her! Praying for every kind of healing for her within your family...love you!